Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Short Story

Addie Carter
                    The Incredible Four
Cassidy walker drives to Central Labs in New York City to meet her father Jack Walker the owner and boss of Central Labs, Cassidy is the co-owner of central Labs. Cassidy walks to the entrance door kof Central Labs and she sees her fiance Thomas Shepard and her two best friends. She has known them since middle school, Elizabeth Stone or Liz for short and her other best friend Max Stone who is Liz’s step brother. “ Hey guys.”cassidy said walking over to them “ Hey love.” Thomas said giving her a peck on the cheek.  “ Hey Cass.” Liz and Max both chimed in “ You guys really need to stop doing that.” Thomas said with a serious face “ You know they can’t. They have been talking at the same time since i’ve met them.” Cassidy replied while hugging Thomas's side. Cassidy’s phone started to ring signaling her that she needs to see her father “Alright i have to go meet up with my dad bye guys see you by the Avox.” Cassidy said while heading to the elevator to go to the 8th floor.
The lab has 8 stories high all together the building has an extra bottom story for their experiments and testing they do. On one of the floors there is also an hospital/ medical equipment if one of the scientist gets hurt or someone gets severely injured. Cassidy has past all the floors to get to the top where most offices were for example her and her father’s. Cassidy stopped by her office to drop off her bag and her wet jacket, because of the rain outside, she walked to her father's office which isn't too far from hers. “Hey dad you wanted to see me?” she asked after she knocked on the side of the office door. “Hey sweetheart I wanted to give you something.” he said with a smile, he walked over to his desk and grabbed a white box once he did he walked over to Cassidy. “If anything happens tonight when we turn on the Avox I wanted you to know to give you something to remember me, though I doubt you will never forget me, just how you never forgotten your mother.” He said while walking over to Cassidy. Jack stood in front of his daughter and gave her the box.
Cassidy open the box and inside was an locket. It was silver shape of a circle cassidy took out the locket putting the box down on the desk on the desk that they stood by. She opened the locket she saw on the right side was her mom and dad together and on the left was a family photo of all three of them together. Cassidy had a tear slip down her cheek. “Thankyou dad. I love it.” she said Jack went over to, took the locket gently out of her hands  and went behind her to put it on. “There now you have something to remember me and your mother.” he said softly. Jack pulled his daughter into a tight hug. “ We should probably start heading to the lab.” Cassidy said pulling out of the hug.
Jack and Cassidy went in the elevator to get to the last floor the Big Lab as some of the workers like to call it, but it’s just the basement really. Once they arrived the Big Lab, everyone they had to scan their badges to let them access the lab, everyone who is working on the Avox has to have badges to access the floor to get in. Jack and Cassidy walked in the lab, they walked over to the coat rack to grab their lab coats with their names sewn onto the coats and on the table next to the rack are goggles for eye protection also gloves for not getting exposed to the chemicals of the serum.
“Alright can I have your attention please?!” Jack asked loudly while standing in front of the entrance. “ We are very close to finish we will turn on the Avox tonight, but before that we must be prepared for the consequences that might happen. Thank you for your time everyone back to work.” he said with joy, caution, and excitement
Six hours has passed and they were finished “Everyone now is the time to inject the serum into the Avox.” Jack announced Thomas handed the bottle that held the serum and that is able to have the serum released into the Avox. Jack carefully placed the bottle in the center of the Avox “Everything stabled?” he asked with a tad of worried laced in his voice. “Everything’s ready to go.” Max and Liz said at the same time “Do you guys always have to do that?” Thomas asked a tad annoyed, with Jack agreeing by his side. “It’s a twin thing.” they said at the sametime again “Well ok.” Thomas replied not wanting to start an argument. “Ok guys lets get back on track.” Cassidy said while walking passed by to get to the main controls. “Right, okay everyone let us get ready and be prepared to turn on the Avox.” Jack said
Everyone went to their places there was glass walls specially made to protect them. There were six people to that didn’t get behind Jack, Cassidy, Thomas, Liz, Max, and Chris who is a worker there that is a good friend of Jack’s. Elizabeth and and Max were there incase anyone got injured, Jack, Cassidy, Thomas, and Chris were there just incase if something didn’t go right/ or something went wrong with the Avox.
Jack went on a ladder that was by the Avox to insert the serum. “Alright the serum is locked and ready turn it on!” he said loudly while he climbed off the ladder and stood next to Max. “Alright turning the Avox on sir!” a scientist announced. Before Cassidy or anyone that was by the Avox new it everything went black.
It has been four months since the explosion of the Avox. Cassidy, Thomas, Liz, Max, and Chris got affected by the serum when the Avox. Thomas kept on dying and coming back to life, Cassidy’s below her or anyone’s normal temperature, Max was alright even though he got more muscle these past months, Liz kept slipping through the bed she was in, and for chris every time he got angry the lights would flicker on and off. Max had woken up two days after Chris woke up they were checking on the others chris was checking on Thomas while Max was checking on Cassidy.
Max saw Cassidy stir a little in her bed, Max walked closer to get a better look and to see if she was awake or not. Cassidy sat up quickly with a gasp “Woah hey Cas it’s okay take deep breaths.” Max said trying to calm her down “What happened? Where’s my dad, Thomas, Liz, Chris, and all the other co-workers?” she asked quickly. “Something happened with the Avox it exploded and Thomas and Liz are still in a coma has for chris…” Max got cut off by a familiar voice “Right here.” Chris said as he entered the room
“ Any ways all the other workers are fine they didn’t get affected by the serum, but we think we might have and as for your dad he well um… this might be a lot to take in but he died Cass.” Max said with a comforting tone. Cassidy had a couple tears come down her face she reached for her locket and held tightly. “ I’m sorry Cass, but he had a part of the Avox go through him in the heart. The doctors here did the best they could do everything they could but it was too late.” Max said with a soft voice “ Where’s Thomas?” cassidy asked with her eyes a tad red “ He just woke up i explained everything to him before I came here.” Chris said
“I’ll go get the nurse.” Chris said he left the room so it was just Max and cassidy alone. “Why is it cold?” cassidy asked as she wrapped her arms around her “Also how come you look buff the last time I saw you? You’re huge dude.” Cassidy said with surprise raising in her voice. “Chris and I think might deal with the Avox.” Max said they heard a knock on the door and they saw a nurse “Mr.Stone your sister is awake if you want to go visit her and i’m here to come check if your doing alright and your fiancee is on his way to see you.” she said as she went to check if cassidy is okay. Max got up and left the room to go check on Liz, “ How are you feeling ms.Walker?” the nurse asked kindly “great just cold is all.” Cassidy said “When will I be able to go?” Cassidy asked “ funny that’s what your friends and fiancee asked once they woke up. Well everything looks fine, so you are fine to go and the rest of your friends are good i just have to check on Ms.Stone before she can go.” the nurse said then left to go check on LIz another nurse came to take out the I.V. that was in Cassidy’s arm and helped her get out of bed. Cassidy asked the nurse before she left what room Elizabeth was in, Cassidy found her room and saw Thomas there with Max and Chris. Thomas saw Cassidy and got up to give her a hug and a kiss. “You know we’re here right?” Liz asked Cassidy and Thomas both laughed “ Hi guys.” Cassidy said as they went to go hug Max then Chris and finally Liz. “How you holding up Cass?” Liz asked, Liz knew what happened to Jack as well as the others. “I’m fine just… glad that he’s with my mom and all, but the thing is I’m gonna really miss him I mean both of my parents died. Also I’m in charge of this company I don’t know how my dad did it with all the stress and taking care of everything.” she said as she talked about her parents her hand went up to her locket that her dad gave her she started to think it was gonna start become a habit of her’s when she’s either nervous or she talked about her parents.
As they sat Cassidy start to feel cold again “is it cold in her or is it me?” cassidy asks “it’s just you love.” Thomas replied “ I wonder what the effects are on the serum.” Thomas wonders out loud. “I don’t know Jack always told me that it would create something big and saves lives. Never knew what that meant.” Liz says “I just feel like I can run at any moment right now, like i feel i need to do something fast.” Thomas says “That’s weird i feel like that too, but i need to lift something heavy.” Max said while flexing his muscles and being cocky “Oh stop before you hurt yourself.” Liz said with sarcasm as she did she can feel herself fall through her bed. “AAHHH!” she screams a short scream as she slips through. “What just happened?” Liz asks as Max and Chris helps get her off the floor, lucky she was wearing sweats instead of an hospital gown. “It might have been the serum. Here try to go through the wall.” Chris says while he goes to the other room to meet LIz there. Liz walks up to the wall first she stuck her foot through the wall then her whole body through.
“Liz!? You okay?” Max asks with concern running through his voice “Ya.” she says as she and chris walks back to the room. “Ok so I can go through walls. THAT’S NOT NORMAL!!” Liz shouts with panic going with her voice “ So maybe this does have to do with the Avox and serum. Tommy why don’t you try running up and down the hall or too wherever you want to go and come back.” Max suggest towards Thomas. Thomas gives him a nod and walks to the end of the hall. Max starts to count “ON 3!!” He shouts down the hallway “1,2,3!!!” Max shouts everybody watches as Thomas runs down the hallway as fast in the blink of an eye.
Thomas comes back with five drinks from the cafeteria on the third floor. “That was in a second or less.” Cassidy says while taking the drinks and passing them out. “ Okay Liz can go through things, I have super speed. What can you guys do?” Thomas asked “ I think I have super strength.” Max said they all looked over and saw Max lifting up two crash carts that he found in the hallways “Ya I agree.” Cassidy and Liz said “oh no not you guys too.” Thomas said while giving both of them a playful eyeroll. Cassidy was holding her drink still “Cassidy what are you doing love?” Tom asked “what do you mean hun?” she asked with concern “look down cass.” Chris said. Cassidy looked down and saw ice on the cup, she gasps and drops the cup it shattered into bits of ice. “Well we know what powers you have Cass.” Max said with a teasing smile. Liz noticed the lights flickering off and on “Hey what is wrong with the lights?” they all shrugged except for Chris, who looked at his hands they we turning an blue with lightning sparking out of them.
Chris began to shake and began to feel hungry, not for food for energy like electricity. He closed his eyes tightly and felt eyes looking at him then he got an idea where to find the energy he needs Times square. The group had questioning looks on their faces and concern for Chris “Chris you alright there?” Max asks cautiously taking a step towards him “need energy.” Chris said in a deep voice that had a sound like electricity. That was when Chris blasted electricity out of his hands and knocked down the others. That was the time Chris had to run.